Smoothies featuring cinnamon

Killer Kale Smoothie

Killer Kale Smoothie

Lacinato (Dinosaur) kale growing inside a hoop house during a cold Michigan winter.

Here’s another healthy green smoothie featuring my favorite green leafy veggie. Some people find kale too bitter (try kale chips), but not me, I like a little bitterness.

If you live in a temperate climate and can get your hands on kale grown outdoors in colder weather you’ll find it’s more pleasing to the picky palate – after a good frost kale’s leaves become much sweeter.

As is the case with other Brassicas, kale increases the amount of sugar inside its leaves to lower the temperature at which freezing begins. Pretty cool survival mechanism, eh?

Sweetness and bitterness aside, kale provides these key health benefits, which make it an excellent veggie to green your smoothie with.

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Blueberry Kefir Smoothie

Blueberry Kefir SmoothieKefir makes for a creamy, probiotic rich drink that when combined with blueberries renders one ultra-healthy and delicious smoothie!

Including fermented food and drink into your diet is vital for optimal health. Fermentation increases the nutrients, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria (probiotics) of food.

Poor gut health is linked to numerous ailments. Keep your piping healthy by regularly consuming fermented food and drink such as kefir.

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Spirulina Superfood Smoothie

Spirulina Superfood Smoothie

Something that green must be good for you :)

One of the most potent and nutrient dense foods on earth, spirulina is perhaps best consumed in a smoothie.

When I first came across spirulina and began researching why it was considered a superfood, what stood out was the fact that it’s 65-70% pure protein by dry weight. Because of that I usually refer to it as the green protein queen or green gold.

Protein content aside, what’s so special about spirulina and why should you add it into your smoothies?

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Avocado Arugula Green Smoothie

Avocado Arugula Green Smoothie

Nothing like loading up the old Blendtec with green leafy goodness :)

Arugula is an underrated “super green”, in my opinion. It took me a while to warm up to its bitter and almost peppery taste, but now I consume it regularly and love making arugula green smoothies.

What’s so special about this cruciferous vegetable also known as salad or garden rocket? Here are a few of the top health benefits attributed to arugula.

Vitamins Galore

Arugula is high in vitamins A and C, which are potent antioxidants and boost the immune system. Vitamin K, which is good for the brain and helps the body absorb calcium, thus promoting bone health. And the B vitamins, especially folate, the natural source of folic acid.

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Savory Sage Banana Smoothie

Savory Sage Banana SmoothieAfter consuming this smoothie I couldn’t stop kicking myself for not using sage in a smoothie before now.

The sweet savory flavor of sage, and its myriad health promoting properties, make it a superb smoothie ingredient.

My adventures of incorporating more and more herbs and spices into my smoothies has proven quite successful. I encourage you to play with the various herbs and spices as well.

Here are a few of sage’s better known health benefits:

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Protein Power Superfood Smoothie

Protein Power Superfood Smoothie

Oh how I love my superfoods : )

This has become my go-to smoothie recipe of late, give or take an ingredient or two.

It’s perfect for breakfast of after a grueling workout.

For anyone looking to get more protein into their diet in a form that’s easy for the body to assimilate and absorb, this smoothie is for you.

I tagged this smoothie with the “superfood” label because it calls for spirulina. A single-celled, blue-green spiral algae that gets its green color from chlorophyll, spirulina is best known in health circles for its protein content. At around 65-70% pure protein by dry weight, it’s a legitimate protein powerhouse. Protein that’s easy for the body to assimilate and use, mind you.

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