Smoothies featuring blueberry

Black and Blue Smoothie

Black and Blue SmoothieIs there any better smoothie ingredient than berries? Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, goji berries, mulberries…oh how I love thee!

Not only do the various berries taste great, they pack a hefty nutritional punch. Unlike higher sugar content fruit, you really can’t over do it with low glycemic berries, which are universally accepted by pretty much every type of diet out there.

Blackberries and blueberries are great for your health in the following ways:

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Goji-Cacao-Maca Superfood Smoothie

Goji Cacao Maca Superfood SmoothieI love fruit and green smoothies as much as the next person, but superfood smoothies are by far my favorite. A smoothie for breakfast full of real superfoods never fails to put me a good mood, with plenty of energy, and a positive, up-beat attitude for the entire day.

Superfood smoothies ensure I have the best day ever :)

This smoothie features three of my all-time favorite superfoods, goji berries, cacao (raw chocolate), and maca. Almond/Coconut milk, frozen blueberries, banana, Sun Warrior chocolate protein, and a dash of sea salt round out this nutrient dense recipe. So, what’s so special about each of these superfoods?

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Ginger Watermelon Detox Smoothie

Ginger Watermelon Detox SmoothieThis recipe was inspired by a recent question I received from one of my twitter followers, Terri. She asked if I had any detox smoothie recipes that didn’t seem so disgusting.

Whether or not a smoothie is delicious or disgusting is subjective. Nevertheless, I set out to create a detox smoothie that I thought would appeal to Terri, and a wider audience. I also decided to hold off a while before posting a detox smoothie recipe featuring clay :)

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Blueberry Mint Smoothie

Blueberry Mint SmoothieLately, I’ve been adding more herbs into my smoothies for the health benefits and taste. Mint is another one of my favorites because of the subtle flavor it imparts and the memories it conjures up of the mint chocolate chip ice cream I use to love as a kid. In my experience mint blends well into most smoothies.

The health benefits of blueberries are more well known and I’ve covered them in other smoothie recipes; so I’m going to cover the magic of mint below.

One of the oldest and most popular herbs, with dozens of species and hundreds of varieties, mint has a number medicinal properties. To be honest, I was a little surprised by just how many health benefits were associated with this common herb.

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Green Superfood Smoothie

Green Superfood SmoothieThis is my go to green superfood smoothie when I get cravings for chlorophyll. I like to mix my smoothies up to ensure I get a good healthy balance of vitamins and minerals (and keep things fun and interesting), but truth be told, I’d have no problem guzzling this guy every day.

Starting my day with plenty of greens puts me in a good mood, with plenty of energy, feeling good about myself! The combination of ingredients in this smoothie provide an abundance of goodness. Let’s delve into the myriad health benefits.

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Banana Bone Broth Smoothie

Banana Bone Broth SmoothieYou’re probably thinking to yourself, bone broth in a smoothie? It’s extremely healthy, gelatinous, and tastes great, therefore it’s a perfect fit. As I’ve written many times before, if something is healthy and will blend, it’s a good candidate for your smoothies.

It never occurred to me to use bone broth (also known as stock) in a smoothie until I watched a recent video by Sarah of The Healthy Home Economist about Stock That Gels. Sarah mentions having a cup of stock with her breakfast every morning. Cool, but my morning meal is a smoothie 99% of the time. And then it hit me, why not add bone broth to my smoothie?

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