Smoothies featuring banana

Post Workout Protein Smoothie Recipe

Post Workout Protein SmoothieThere’s nothing like a filling and satisfying smoothie after a good workout to provide your body with the fuel it needs to recovery and rebuild. I recommend that you use your favorite protein powder in many recipes and can’t emphasize enough the importance of using a high quality protein powder.

Last year a Consumer Reports test revealed contaminants such as cadmium, arsenic, lead and mercury present in some protein powders. You sure don’t want any of those heavy metals in your smoothies.

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Super Simple Green Smoothie Recipe

Super Simple Green Smoothie Recipe

Photo by kamikun

Eat your greens. I don’t know how many times my mom uttered those words growing up. Like most kids, I wasn’t too fond of the green vegetables. My taste buds have changed over the years and now I enjoy a wide variety of greens, but getting enough into my diet can be a challenge. Enter the green smoothie.

A green smoothie offers a quick and simple way to increase the amount of greens in your diet. Some greens aren’t the most pleasing to the palate, and can be somewhat difficult to chew and digest. Blending your greens in a smoothie solves both of these problems.

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Frozen Blueberry Blast Smoothie Recipe

Frozen Blueberry Blast Smoothie RecipeIt’s only appropriate that the inaugural smoothie recipe I post is one of my favorites. There are a myriad of health benefits attributed to blueberries, including but limited to, antioxidant powerhouse, brain food, anti-aging, anti-cancer, and eyesight improver.

Living in Michigan, one of the top blueberry producing states, I buy them by the pound when in season and freeze a fair amount for future use. Most grocery and health food stores carry frozen blueberries (get organic or wild when possible) ready for all your smoothie needs.

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