Smoothies featuring banana

Blueberry Pineapple Smoothie Recipe

Blueberry Pineapple Fruit Smoothie Recipe

Photo by hockeycrew

Get some “purple power” with this quick and easy recipe. You’ll get your daily dose of fruit in a delicious drink that packs a nice antioxidant punch, provides a good amount of dietary fiber, and plenty of essential nutrients and minerals. Trust me, your body and taste buds will thank you.

This smoothie is good anytime of day, and can even be served as a healthy dessert.

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Spicy Spinach Smoothie Recipe

Spicy Spinach Smoothie

If you’re a fan of spicy food, you’re going to dig this smoothie recipe. When I first heard someone advocate adding spices like cayenne and chili powder into a smoothie I thought it sounded rather strange, but I had to give it a try.

Fast forward to today, and I routinely add spices into my smoothies. Some of my favorites are cinnamon, ginger, cayenne, and nutmeg. Adding spices is a super easy way to enhance the taste and boost the nutrition of your smoothies.

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Go-Go Goji Berry Smoothie Recipe

Goji Berry SmoothieWhen I first stumbled upon goji berries several years ago I couldn’t believe how delicious they were considering the nutritional punch they pack. Goji’s put the “super” in superfood. Not only are they great on their own, in salads, trail mixes, and teas, but – you guessed it – in smoothies!

Goji berries have become quite popular in the world of health and nutrition, and for good reason. Considered a superior Chinese tonic herb, these little guys are pure nutrition. Here are a few reasons why consuming goji berries on a regular basis is in everyone’s best interest.

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Good Morning Green Smoothie Recipe

Good Morning Green Smoothie Recipe

Photo by ilovemypit

Get your day started on the right foot with this delicious, nutrient dense, green smoothie. Everybody is on the go these days making it difficult to consume your daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Enter the green smoothie.

Blending a couple servings of fruits and veggies into a smoothie allows you to consume more at one sitting, improves nutrient absorption and digestion, masks the taste of bitter greens some people can’t stand, and is quick and easy. Once you build a few smoothies on your own you’ll realize how easy it is, and more importantly, perfect the recipes to meet your nutrient and taste bud needs.

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Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Recipe

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Recipe

Photo by trustypics

For anyone who is still craving pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving like I am, this recipe is for you. I don’t eat dessert very often, but always make an exception on the holidays.

This year’s choices included blueberry, key lime, and pumpkin pie. All three were delicious, but the pumpkin pie stole the show in my mouth. Maybe there was something in that pumpkin pie because I can’t seem to stop thinking about.

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Chocolate Chunky Monkey Smoothie Recipe

Chocolate Chunky Monkey Smoothie Recipe

Photo by ozlady

The Chunky Monkey is a pretty popular smoothie with many different recipe variations. Below you’ll find my preferred (healthy) version. As is the case with any smoothie recipe, feel free to play with the ingredients and proportions.

A quick tip on using frozen bananas in your smoothie. Peel and break your bananas into smaller chunks, and then place those chunks into a big zip lock baggie before tossing into the freezer. I usually do this for 4 to 5 bananas at a time.

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