Smoothies featuring banana

Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie Recipe

Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie RecipeThis is one of my favorite post workout smoothies. I never feel like spending too long in the kitchen after an exhausting workout, which is why I usually choose to whip up a smoothie in 5 minutes or less. I also like to make a smoothie before heading off to the gym and drink half before and after.

Chocolate and peanut butter are a dynamic duo. You can use peanut butter instead of almond, but your smoothie won’t be quite as healthy. This is one of those smoothies that’s so decadent I have to remind myself that it’s actually very healthy.

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Acai Mango Smoothie Recipe

Acai Mango Smoothie RecipeIf you’ve browsed the internet in the past couple of years you’ve most likely seen ads for the miracle weight loss acai berry diet. This is just another fad diet in a long line of fad diets. However, acai berries are a legitimate superfood that pack a huge nutritional punch and are an excellent smoothie ingredient.

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Dark Berry Smoothie Recipe

Dark Berry Smoothie Recipe

Photo by genbug

The old saying, “the darker the berries, the sweeter the juice” is in need of a modification. Recent research has shown that darker skinned berries contain higher concentrations of antioxidants than their lighter skinned brethren. Therefore, “the darker the berries, the higher the antioxidants” might be more appropriate.

Berries as a whole are already known to have more antioxidants than other fruits and vegetables. Most people are familiar with the health benefits of blueberries (and cranberries to a certain extent), but the darker berries aren’t getting the press they rightfully deserve.

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Apple Lemonade Smoothie Recipe

Apple Lemonade Smoothie Recipe

Photo by esther17

The idea for this smoothie came from juicing apples and lemons to make sugarless lemonade. If you’re into juicing you should give this a try for a truly tasty and refreshing beverage. The homemade lemonade was such a big hit that I decided to convert it into a smoothie recipe.

Lemons offer a wide array of health benefits, including being great for detoxification, an important aspect of overall health. Here’s a run down of health benefits attributed to lemons.

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Chocolate Superfood Smoothie Recipe

Cacao Chocolate Tree Pods

If you don’t like chocolate you should stop reading this now. Chocolate is a food of the gods, literally. The 18th century Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus thought cacao was so important he gave the tree the name Theobroma cacao, or “Cacao, the food of the gods”.

If you’re not familiar with the word cacao (pronounced “ka-kow”), it’s what all chocolate is made from and is actually a bean (also known as cocoa bean). Cacao beans grow in a fruit pod that hang from the trunk of the cacao tree as seen in the picture above.

Most people equate chocolate with candy and sugar, and lump it with foods to be avoided or only eaten on special occasions. While most processed or adulterated chocolate should be considered as such, cacao in its raw form is one of the top superfoods in the world.

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Berry Lettuce Smoothie Recipe

Berry Lettuce Smoothie Recipe

Photo by adventuresinliving

You might be thinking to yourself, lettuce in a smoothie? That was my initial reaction. In reality, any green leafy vegetable can be blended into a smoothie.

As is the case with most greens, lettuce is a good option for anyone looking to lose weight because of its super low calorie count. 1 cup of lettuce contains about 8 calories. Lettuce has a high water content, but does offer varying health benefits depending on the type.

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