Smoothies featuring avocado

Cleansing Cranberry Bliss Smoothie

Cleansing Cranberry Bliss SmoothieWhile grabbing a few bags of raspberries and blueberries from the freezer at Whole Foods yesterday I noticed frozen cranberries. It occurred to me that I’ve been neglecting this nutritious berry lately and thus snatched a couple bags with thoughts of blending them into my smoothie the next day.

The cranberries seemed to synchronistically come along as I was still doing a little detox work and eating lightly to “recover” after a mini-vacation. Something I like to do whenever I deviate from my normal eating habits for a couple of days to a week.

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Ginger Spinach Green Smoothie

Ginger Spinach Green SmoothieIt’s no secret that I love to use various spices in my smoothies to boost nutrition and improve the taste. This recipe calls for one of my favorites, ginger. With ginger you get that signature peppery, sweet taste and a bunch of health benefits. Combined with a little spinach, frozen blueberries, and banana, and you’ll be rocking one healthy smoothie!

Quick aside, I recently purchased a new grater by Kyocera (Kyocera ceramic grater), which makes grating things like ginger and turmeric a breeze, and actually kind of fun. You can pick one up from Amazon for around $20. Highly recommended.

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Avocado Mango Lime Smoothie

Avocado Mango Lime SmoothieYes, this smoothie does taste as good as its name would lead you to believe. Avocado, mango, and lime make a divine combination.

Avocados have become one of my favorite smoothie ingredients because they provide that staple smoothie creaminess I crave and love. They are a great source of healthy fats and an average avocado contains about 4 grams of protein. Avocados are also a good source of dietary fiber and high in vitamins K, C, B5, B6, folate, and potassium.

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Dairy Lovers Protein Packed Smoothie Recipe

Dairy Lovers Protein Packed Smoothie Recipe

This is currently my go to smoothie recipe when I need protein that’s easy to digest and assimilate. I like to consume half before and the other half after working out. It’s also great for breakfast and provides your brain with plenty of protein to function properly throughout the day.

Not everyone has access to raw milk (cow or goat), or chooses to consume dairy, therefore almond and coconut milk can be substituted. If you have access to raw milk, but haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend you do some research and consider giving it a whirl. Look for a blog post in the future covering all of the health benefits attributed to raw milk.

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Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie Recipe

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie Recipe

Photo by tamdotcom

If you like mint chocolate chip (Hudsonville) ice cream as much as I do then you’re going to love this smoothie recipe. Mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of those foods I had a hard time giving up after I got serious about eating healthier.

Let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised to learn that you can create a healthy version of an otherwise unhealthy food in many cases, and sometimes the healthy version actually tastes better than its counterpart. I found this to be true of this smoothie recipe once I perfected it.

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Creamy Avocado Smoothie Recipe

Creamy Avocado Smoothie Recipe

Photo by rakka

For some reason it took me a while to try an avocado in my smoothie, but now it’s one of my favorite ingredients. Avocados give your smoothie a rich and creamy consistency while providing an array of health benefits.

Here are a few avocado health highlights.

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