Smoothies vs Juicing: Which is Better?

Smoothies vs JuicingTo the untrained and inexperienced eye a smoothie and a juice might seem like the same thing or at least very similar. Although both are drinks that are typically made with fruits and vegetables, there are some significant differences between the two.

Smoothies include a greater variety of ingredients and have a thick consistency, while juices are simpler recipes and leave out the fiber and pulp of produce.

In terms of health and nutrition, both smoothies and juices can be great additions to your daily diet. There are pitfalls to watch out for with both, and you should always make your own rather than relying on store bought products. The latter are often high in calories, sugar, and preservatives. To help you decide which is better for your lifestyle, or to convince you that both juices and smoothies have a place in your diet, here is some more information about both.

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Peach Blueberry Smoothie

Peach Blueberry SmoothieTickle your taste buds with this delicious fruit smoothie!

I was able to procure peaches for the first time this season at the farmer’s market today. I’ve been eagerly awaiting their arrival because I love peaches and have been waiting to make this smoothie recipe.

This recipe was inspired by a comment on my Pretty Peachy Smoothie by Mary (thanks!) who informed me that peaches love ginger. She’s absolutely right and I can confirm it myself. I’ll definitely be making this again.

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Berry Basil Green Smoothie

Berry Basil Green SmoothieIt’s the time of year where I live when fresh produce is plentiful. I’m so grateful for the local farmers who grow my food with much care and love. Most of the ingredients I used in this smoothie are local and organic, just the way I like it.

Basil is one of the herbs I find myself adding to more and more smoothies because of the sweet, but savory flavor it lends. I’m also quite fond of its health benefits, which include anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, antioxidants, and cardiovascular support.

Basil is rich in vitamin K – just two teaspoons provide about 60% of your daily needs. Vitamin K is vital in building strong bones, supports a healthy heart, and contributes to proper brain function.

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Blueberry Gelatin Protein Smoothie

Blueberry Gelatin Protein SmoothieThis smoothie features one of my new favorite ingredients, gelatin.

Gelatin is basically pure protein, and thus a great source of this macronutrient. I’ve had success with a couple high quality protein powders over the years. Problem is, they’re a little pricey and not a whole food, and I strive to get the majority of my nutrients from whole foods.

What is gelatin and what’s so special about it?

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Stomach Soothing Smoothies

Stomach Soothing SmoothiesDigestion problems are not just uncomfortable, painful, and embarrassing, they are also fairly common. Many people struggle with disorders of the digestive tract, including those that cause discomfort and inflammation like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, acid reflux, ulcers, and just plain old indigestion with no particular diagnosis.

Rather than attacking your discomfort with drugs and medications that can cause side effects and may not even work, consider a natural approach. There are many ingredients that you can include in your daily smoothies that will help to soothe your irritated digestive tract.

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Blueberry Applesauce Smoothie

Blueberry Applesauce SmoothieJust when I thought I’d exhausted all the possible smoothie ingredients along came one I somehow overlooked, applesauce :)

My friend and I recently harvested a couple hundred apples and I decided to make applesauce to preserve most of my share. I found this awesome crock pot applesauce (no sugar added) recipe that I highly recommend. Turning apples into delicious applesauce was a piece of cake.

Now what to do with my bounty of applesauce. Freeze some, eat some, use in pancake batter, and naturally add to my smoothies.

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